Assessment of landslide susceptibility for civil protection purposes by means of GIS and statistical analysis: lessons from the Province of Modena, Italy
This paper is focused on the analysis of landslide susceptibility for civil protection purposes. A methodology was developed and applied to support measures aiming at landslide risk mitigation. It is based on GIS and the Weight of Evidence (WofE) method, which was preferred among several other statistical approaches because it is suitable for large areas, easy to interpret and simple to program. The latter feature is important for implementing a GIS tool aimed to facilitate Civil Protection in the updating of susceptibility maps. An application of the methodology was performed in a mountainous and hilly area of the Northern Apennines (Italy) located in the Province of Modena where landslides are a critical issue in terms of civil protection due to the recurrent damages to buildings, roads and infrastructures. According to the Region Emilia-Romagna Landslide Inventory Map (RER LIM), shallow slides and earth flows are by far the most widespread mass movement types. Hence, the susceptibility assessment concerned these two types of movements. The choice of the training set, based on active landslides, took into account possible limitations of the input data. The predisposing factors were lithology, slope, curvature, Slope Position Index, aspect, land use, distance from roads. The validation was conducted through the PRC and SRC curves, and direct checking (comparison with past occurrences, multi-temporal orthophotos and field surveys). The resulting models predicted the location of landslides in an acceptable manner. One map for each type of landslides was produced and afterwards they were combined in a single document to improve their intelligibility in a civil protection framework.

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