Print ISSN: 1453-5068
ONLINE ISSN: 2285-6773
Author Guidelines
Authors willing to publish their original research papers in Revista de Geomorfologie should consider the following recommendations and agree to the rules below:
Before Submission
Manuscripts submitted for publication to Revista de Geomorfologie are original works that have not been published nor have been considered for publication elsewhere, the authors taking full responsibility in this sense. The authors must comply with the Author Guidelines document. Previously published figure material should be cited by giving the original source in the form of a citation at the end of the figure caption. Additionally, if the figures have been published before elsewhere, the authors are obliged to obtain permission from the copyright owners for both the print and the online format. If these rights are not granted for free, the authors should use other material from other sources.
During the peer-review process
The journal assures single-blind peer review for each paper from at least two reviewers assigned by the editors. Confidentiality is assured by the Editorial Board by all means during the peer-review process. The reviewers are experts in their field with high academic background from national and international (mostly European) academic centers and research institutes (see Editorial Board). They are expected to provide objective comments in respect to the examined manuscripts and to recommend improvements to the manuscript, including relevant published materials. Manuscripts are assigned to reviewers that are not directly profesionally linked and/or affiliated in the same institution with the authors of the reviewed manuscripts. Reviewers are requested to declare any potential conflict of interest and engage to assure confidentiality of their evaluation by not sharing the manuscript or the evaluation report to any third parties or comment upon it. Concurrently, the authors are requested to participate in the peer-review process by responding to the requests of the reviewers. Not providing the suggested corrections and changes without solid arguments from the authors leads to rejection of the manuscript and to the cancellation of its publication.
After acceptance
Upon acceptance of the article, the authors will be requested to fill in a Statement of Originality and Authorship. After that the article will be processed. Layout editting and proof reading are meant to check for typesetting and the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables and figures. Substantial changes in the content (like new results, corrected values, title and authorship) are not allowed without the approval of the Guest-Editor. A corrected-proof version of the manuscript will be provided to the authors for a final check.