Les unités morphostructurales et pédologiques des monts Mandara face à la rétention en eau de surface
The Mandara Mountains constitute a particular morphological unit in the west of the Far North region of Cameroon. This uniqueness compared to the border plains is linked to its altitudinal, geological, geomorphological and pedological specificities. Similar to a set of rocky ledges with thin regosolic and lithosolic surface formations that do not exist in places, this sector is very often apprehended as a hostile framework in terms of water conservation, since the populations who live there face a glaring problem. of his poverty in the dry season. As this water problem is based on the climatic characteristics marked by droughts, the morpho-pedological parameters characterized by the dissection of the relief and the porosity of the soils are very often associated with it. Its altitude overlooks all the neighboring plains with an average drop of nearly 500 m. This part characterized by steep slopes, valleys compartmentalizing the entire landscape, the curvilinear topography, the rocky substratum flush with the surface and very porous soils prove to be limits to natural retention (without assistance) in surface water. Paradoxically, thanks to this strong dissection of the relief with important valleys for the base of the healthy massif, little covered by permeable alterites and the presence of basic materials necessary for the construction of dams, this sector could offer possibilities for the development of artificial retention of surface water necessary in this environment marked by a persistent dry season (7 months). In order to achieve the objective which is to show the morphostructural and pedological capacity of the Mandara Mountains to retain surface water in this semi-arid mountainous environment with rocky substratum, the search for secondary and primary data and laboratory analyzes have been carried out. At the end of this work, it emerges that the previously restrictive factors without human intervention have a positive aspect that can turn into an advantage for the construction of surface water retention structures already very present in this part.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nathalie Annavaï, Anselme WAKPONOU, Moussa IYA

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